Keywords: Environmental awareness; Fast fashion; Sustainability; Consumer behaviour; Green consumption
Fashion is one of the industries that has a strong negative impact on the environment. In particular, in recent times, fast fashion has become increasingly popular and spread to countries around the world, including Vietnam. This is also the reason why the student research group of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City conducted a study on the topic "The impact of environmental awareness on fast fashion consumption behavior in Vietnam".
The development of fast fashion leads to excess and increased environmental burden on both supply and demand. Manufacturers produce more goods than consumer demand, leading to a sharp increase in inventory. Specifically, according to estimates by consulting firm McKinsey and the World Economic Forum, the number of garments produced each year has doubled since 2000. In 2018, the H&M brand caused a stir when it revealed in its annual report that it had accumulated $4.3 billion in unsold inventory. In terms of demand, the fast fashion industry is becoming popular and favored by young people because of its convenience and low prices. However, this causes negative impacts on the environment. Data from the US Environmental Protection Agency shows that the amount of clothing and footwear waste generated by Americans each year increased from 1.4 million tons (1960) to more than 13 million tons (2018).
On the social front, pollution from cheap and fast clothing production is increasing while young people's awareness of this impact is limited. It can be stated that consumer awareness in recycling and clothing materials selection is also a factor causing the amount of waste from clothing to increase rapidly. Considering the needs arising from practice, the research aimed to gain insights into and measure the impact of environmental awareness on Vietnamese people's fast fashion consumption behavior, from changing shopping habits to an increase in sustainable fashion options. Is this change strong enough to revolutionize the fashion industry in Vietnam?
The authors analyzed the impact of consumer awareness through the following aspects: (1) Awareness of environmental responsibility; (2) Awareness of fast fashion products; (3) Social influence; (4) Concern and attitude towards the environment; (5) Awareness of issues affecting the environment.
Based on primary data obtained from the survey, the authors conducted regression using the Enter method. The results showed that the factor "Awareness of fast fashion products" was not statistically significant. The remaining 4 factors all have a positive and significant impact on environmental protection awareness with decreasing levels in the order of "Influence from society", "Concern and attitude towards environmental protection", "Awareness of issues affecting the environment" and "Awareness of responsibility towards the environment".
Through research results, the authors suggested solutions to help raise awareness and reduce consumption intention and use of fast fashion as follows:
Raising consumer awareness of environmental protection: Focusing on raising awareness through social impact, propaganda to promote awareness of issues affecting the environment and responsibility for the environment, initiating concern for the environment.
Improving the quality and transparency of origin: Many fast fashion brands need to improve product quality and consider reasonable prices to meet quality needs. Concurrently, it is necessary to minimize waste and to use environmentally friendly materials, this will create a positive effect on consumer awareness, encouraging them to choose to buy more sustainable products instead of cheap ones. Poor quality products are only used a few times. Furthermore, manufacturers and businesses should be transparent regarding product origin and materials to build trust for customers.
Aiming for sustainable fashion: Getting familiar with sustainable and environmentally friendly fashion, not following fast trends. Campaigns listed as Fashion 4 Climate have motivated consumers to choose high-quality, durable products made from materials such as cotton, hemp, flax, silk, etc. This not only reduces the amount of products purchased but also encourages the repair of damaged clothes, limiting the amount of fashion waste.
Secondhand clothes trend: Secondhand clothes are becoming a trend with used items that are still new and of good quality. Consumers increasingly focus on convenience, sustainability and quality rather than chasing new products and keeping up with trends. This helps reduce the amount of clothing discharged into the environment and does not harm nature while creating an opportunity to own unique items at low prices. This trend especially attracts young people and fashionistas who are conscious of environmental protection, contributing to changing the awareness of consumers and fashion brands.
The research has implicitly contributed to SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production, and SDG 13 - Climate Action. The entire research article "The Impact of Environmental Awareness on Fast Fashion Consumption Behavior in Vietnam" can be found HERE.
Authors: Nguyen Thi Quynh Tram, Le Tran Khanh Doan, Hoang Que Ngoc, Cao Thuy Trang, Le Kieu Linh Nhu - University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City.
This article is part of the Green Research Community series with the message "Research Contribution for UEH Living Lab Green Campus". UEH cordially invites the community to wait for the next Green Research Community issue.
*In order to maximally facilitate the development of the "UEH Green Researcher Community", community members will be able to attend research methodology classes on the topic Living Lab, Green Campus. In addition, if the product meets the required standards, the research team will receive a Certificate from the UEH Sustainable University Project Board and financial support.
SDG 12 - Responsible consumption and production:
Ensuring sustainable production and consumption patterns is key to sustaining the livelihoods of current and future generations. Implementing the 10-year framework of programs on sustainable production and consumption, with all countries taking action, developed countries taking the lead, taking into account the development and capabilities of developing countries.
By 2030, sustainably manage and use natural resources efficiently, reduce by half global food waste per capita at the retail and consumer levels, and achieve the sound management of chemicals and all waste.
In addition, supporting developing countries in strengthening scientific and technological capacities to move towards more sustainable production and consumption patterns, building and deploying tools to monitor the sustainable development impacts of sustainable tourism.
SDG 13 - Climate action:
Taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries, integrating climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning.
Improving education, raising awareness and enhancing the capacity of individuals and institutions on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning. Fulfilling the commitments of developed country Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, promoting mechanisms to enhance the capacity for effective climate change planning and management in the least developed countries.
News and photos: Authors, UEH Youth Union - Student Association, UEH Department of Marketing and Communication